Page 17 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 17


               Calculation of costs and expenses

               Expenses are calculated to technology-based areas (Unit of size and area: 2 rai)
               The currency used to calculate expenses with the unit as Baht

               Exchange rate (to US. dollars) 1 US. dollars = 34.0 Baht (year 2023)
               Average wage in hiring labor per day is 300 Baht

               Most important factors having effects on expenses
                           1. Labor cost

                           2. Electricity cost
                           3. Fuel cost

                       2. Maintenance costs

                                                                                                          % of
                                                                             Expenses       expenses     expenses
                               Inputs                   Unit   Quantity      per unit      per inputs    incurred
                                                                              (USD)                      by land
                 Management during culture             Force       1                          352.8        100
                 Yield management and management       Force       1           29.4           352.8        100
                 after harvesting                                           USD/month
                 Electricity cost                       USD        12           47            564          100
                 Diesel costs                           USD        12           47            564          100

                 All expenses of technological
                 maintenance (US dollars)                                                    1,833.6

               Incomes from selling products and net income

                       - In an area of 0.3 ha, yields can be harvested for 1,200 kilograms (already selected to

               remain 600 kilograms) and in 1 year, harvesting can be conducted for 10 times. Therefore, all
               yields will be obtained accounting for 600*10 = 6,000 kgs/ha/year

                       - The wholesale price in front of the farm is 3.53 USD per kilo. The total income accounts
               for 6,000*3.53 = 21,180 USD.

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