Page 14 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 14


                 Researchers                   Professor from         Conduct research regarding

                                               Ratchapat              utilization of culled algae


                 Local government              Laem Phak Bia Sub-     Participation and collaboration in
                                               district Administrative  establishing the group

                                               Organization, Ban
                                               Laem district,

                                               Phetchaburi province

                       2. Involvement of local land users or local communities in phases of the approach

                  Phase of the approach       Involvement of local        Identify those involved and
                                               land users or local             explain activities


                Initiative or motivation     Mobilize forces by       Government agencies, group
                                             oneself                  members propagating knowledge

                                                                      and making a study tour in order to
                                                                      adjust it in their own areas

                Planning                     Interaction and Mobilize  Officers from the model farm

                                             forces by oneself        project and Laem Phak Bia
                                                                      Administrative Organization

                                                                      participate in helping plan group

                Implementation               Interaction and Mobilize  The member group mutually helps

                                             forces by oneself        draft group regulations and goods

                Monitoring or assessment     Mobilize forces by       Monitor and check together with
                                             oneself                  officers in order to bring about


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