Page 16 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 16


               4.1 Income and expenditure on technology

                       1. Initial costs and expenses in using the technology

                                                                                                          % of
                                                                           Expenses  All expenses       expenses
                              Inputs                  Unit     Quantity    per unit     per inputs      incurred
                                                                            (USD)         (USD)         by land
                 Labor for planting in the area if
                 0.3 ha                               Labor        3         8.82          26.46          100

                 Water pump of 0.5 horse power        Pump         1         73.5          73.5           100
                 Wheelbarrow                          Item         1         176.5         176.5          100
                 Oxygen concentrator                Machine        1          147           147           100
                 Super Charge air compressor        Machine        1         117.6         117.6          100

                 Skimmer                            Machine        5         14.7          73.5           100
                 500 liter plastic bucket            Bucket        5         58.8           294           100
                 Second-hand 120 hp. diesel sea     Machine        1          441           441           100
                 water pump
                 8 inch water sucker                Machine        1          294           294           100

                 Water salinity meter               Machine        1         8.82          8.82           100
                 8 inch PVC tube with the length
                 of 3 meters                          Piece        3         29.4          88.2           100
                 Spin and dry machine               Machine        1         29.4          29.4           100
                 Yield storage basket                 Item         5         17.7          88.5           100
                 Plant materials

                 The variety used in the area of 2
                 rai                                Kilogram     1,000       1.47          1,470          100

                 Service wage in building the

                 Materials and equipment in          Square
                 building the nursery including                    30         147          4,410          100
                 labor costs                         meters
                 Digging the culture pond              Rai         2         588.2        1.176.4         100

                 Total expeneses of establishing                                          8,914.8
                 the technology (US dollars)

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