Page 98 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 98


                 2. Soil salinity level   Decreased at   Salinity level    The salinity level has been reduced
                                          the most      more than 6        to be less than 3 dS/m until various

                                                        dS/m               kinds of plants can be grown.

               4.2 Off-site impact of using the technology

                           Aspect              Impact     Before                      After

                 1. Water which can be         Greatly       -      Water  at  the  soil  surface  of  areas  with
                 utilized.                    increased             saline  soil  can  be  utilized.  Water  can  be

                                                                    used  to  control  soil  salinity,  including
                                                                    increasing  organic  matter  to  improve  the

                                                                    saline soil structure until various plants can
                                                                    be grown.

                 2. Damages to neighboring     Greatly       -      There is no use of pesticides and chemical
                 cultivation areas             reduced              fertilizers.

                 3. Impact of greenhouse      Reduced        -      There is no burning of organic materials at

                 gas                                                all. Helping reduce carbon dioxide release
                                                                    and reduce the amount of greenhouse gas


                                      5. Acceptance of the technology and application

                       There is acceptance among farmers They implement the technology without receiving any
               material  or  financial  motivations.  This  is  due  to  the  fact  that  initial  adjustment  requires  high

               investment. There are off-site farmers who apply the technology in their own areas by land use
               changes and types of plants from rice to integrated plants. However, land use changes must be

               done gradually and there must also be systematic planning.

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