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P. 6



                        Effect of using bio fertilizer and reduce chemical fertilizer  rate  to  increasing  on  oil

               plam in acid sulfate soil at phattalung province. Province on October 2018 to September
               2020 that used a randomized complete block design with 9 treatments, 3 replications. The
               treatments were 1) control 2) farmer,s method 3) fertilized chemical fertilizer according to
               soil analysis from lab 4) 30 percent fertilized chemical fertilizer according to soil analysis

               from lab  and  5  Kg  per  plant  of bio-fertilizer  5)  30  percent  fertilized chemical  fertilizer
               according  to  soil  analysis  from  lab  and  10  Kg  per  plant  of  bio-fertilizer  6)  30  percent
               fertilized chemical fertilizer according to soil analysis from lab and 15 Kg per plant of bio-
               fertilizer 7) 40 percent fertilized chemical fertilizer according to soil analysis from lab and 5

               Kg per plant of bio-fertilizer 8) 40 percent fertilized chemical fertilizer according to soil
               analysis from lab and 10 Kg per plant of bio-fertilizer and 9) 40 percent fertilized chemical
               fertilizer  according  to  soil  analysis  from  lab  and  15  Kg  per  plant  of  bio-fertilizer.  This
               research was studied in a chemical properties of soil, growth and productivity oil plam, cost

               and  economic  returns.  The  result  showed  that  pH  of  soil was  higher  in  treatment  with
               organic fertilizers compared to those without organic fertilizers. Lime requirement of soil
               with  treatment  organic  fertilizer  was  lower  compared  to  treatment  non-organic  fertilizer

               applied.  Organic  matter  of  soil  increased  in  every  treatments.  Total  nitrogen  of  soil
               decreased in all treatments except 30 percent fertilized chemical fertilizer according to soil
               analysis from lab and 15 Kg per plant of bio-fertilizer and 40 percent fertilized chemical
               fertilizer  according  to  soil  analysis  from  lab  and  15  Kg  per  plant  of  bio-fertilizer.  The
               phosphorus  potassium  calcium  and  magnesium  are  increased  with  every  treatments.  In

               addition, for the treatment 30 percent fertilized chemical fertilizer according to soil analysis
               from lab and 15 Kg per plant of bio-fertilizer showed that Leaf length leaf width bunch
               number and yield of oil palm was the highest as 81.43, 4.39 cm. 15.86 pruning per plant

               per year and 3,392.64 Kg per rai per year, respectively. And last showed that the economic
               return, in the year 2018 there was income above negative variable costs or loss at every
               turn.  While in  the  year  2019  and  2020  of  treatments  30  percent  fertilized  chemical
               fertilizer according to soil analysis from lab and 15 Kg per plant of bio-fertilizer had the

               highest income above variable costs at 1,389.08 and 7,317.32 baht per rai, respectively.

               Keywords : Oil plam, Acid Soil, Soil Group 14, Bio-Fertilizer
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