Page 7 - การศึกษาศักยภาพและการจัดการดินในพื้นที่ดินเค็มเพื่อการผลิตพืชสมุนไพรประจำท้องถิ่นไปสู่การรับรองเกษตรอินทรีย์แบบมีส่วนร่วม พี จี เอส กรณีศึกษาในพื้นที่ดินเค็มของจังหวัดนครราชสีมา Study of Soil quality and management of Saline Soil for local Herb production to Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) , Case study in Nakhon Ratchasima province.
P. 7
Study of Soil quality and management of Saline Soil for local Herb production to
Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS): A case study on Kula Ronaghi series: Ki. The experiment was
established from October 2018 to September 2020. The objectives were to determine the
distribution of local herb products in salt-affected soil, Bua Yai District, Nakorn Ratchasima Province,
to assess the impact of organic fertilizer on local herb production, and to evaluate the process of
local herb production to Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS). The experimental design was a
Complete Block Design, three replication, five treatments. The treatment consists of 5 treatments
as follows: (T1) no Super LDD 1 Microbial Activator, (T2) Super LDD 1 Microbial Activator with 500
kg/rai, (T3) Super LDD 1 Microbial Activator with 1,000 kg/rai, (T4) Super LDD 1 Microbial Activator
with 1,500 kg/rai and, (T5) Super LDD 1 Microbial Activator with 2,000 kg/rai.
The findings revealed that significant soil properties changed were obtained in the
application of Super LDD 1 Microbial Activator with 2,000 kg/rai (T5). The differed measurement
values were.EC, pH, the percentage of soil organic matter, available phosphorus (P) and
exchangeable potassium (K) with 0.81 (dS/m), 7.6 of pH, 0.51 percentage of soil organic matter, 24
(mg kg-1) and, 39 (mg kg-1), respectively. Moreover, the highest TPC, TFC, and IC50value were found
under the application of Super LDD 1 Microbial Activator with 2,000 kg/rai (T5) with 1.612 ±0.054
mg GAE/g dry weight, 1.089 ±0.036 mg ECE/g dry weight, and 2.279 ±0.135 mg crude extract/ml
reaction respectively.