Page 9 - การศึกษาประสิทธิภาพของผลิตภัณฑ์ปุ๋ยชีวภาพสำหรับนาข้าวต่อการเจริญเติบโตและผลผลิตข้าวขาวดอกมะลิ 105 ในดินร่วนปนทราย จังหวัดร้อยเอ็ด Study efficiency of Bio- fertilizer to increase growth and rice (Khao Dok Mali 105) yield and sandy loam soil, Roi Et Province.
P. 9


                   สถิติจากการใส่ปุ๋ยเคมีตามค่าวิเคราะห์ดินในปีที่ 2 และมีปริมาณเชื้อจุลินทรีย์ Bacillus megaterium สูง ซึ่งมีค่า
                   แตกต่างทางสถิติจากแปลงควบคุม (ไม่ใส่ปุ๋ยเคมีและปุ๋ยชีวภาพ) ในปีที่ 3 ตามล าดับ

                         ดังนั้น การใส่ปุ๋ยชีวภาพรูปแบบผง ร่วมกับปุ๋ยเคมี 50 เปอร์เซ็นต์ มีความเหมาะสมส าหรับการปลูกข้าวพันธุ์
                   ขาวดอกมะลิ 105 ในดินร่วนปนทราย จังหวัดร้อยเอ็ด ซึ่งจะช่วยลดต้นทุนค่าปุ๋ยเคมีลงได้ 50 เปอร์เซ็นต์

                                             บทคัดย่อภาษาอังกฤษ (Abstract-English)

                         This research was conducted in Ban Nongkha , Saku sub-district, Suwannaphum
                   district, Roi-Et province from October 2017 to December 2021. The objectives were to study

                   the efficiency of bio-fertilizer to rice (Khao Dok Mali 105 variety) growth and yield in sandy
                   loam soil. The experiment design was randomize complete block with 8 treatments and 3
                   replications. The treatments were composed of the non-applications and applications of
                   liquid and dust bio-fertilizers with the 0, 50 and 70 percentages of recommendation rate.
                   The data of the changes in soil chemical properties, rice growth and yield including soil

                   microorganism contents after treatment management were collected.
                         The results appeared that soil texture on the experiment area was sandy loam and
                   low soil fertility. After experiment, soil chemical properties tended to be better. Soil

                   reaction was increased from strongly acid to moderately and slightly acid.  Soil conductivity
                   was low. The soil organic matter content, available phosphorus, available calcium and
                   available magnesium were higher, but soil available potassium was lower.
                         The rice growth in 2017 – 2020 were not statistically significant, however, the application of
                   dust bio-fertilizer with 50 % of recommendation rate could increase the highest rice tillage

                   number. The rice yield and its components were not statistically significant in all 3 years
                   experiment except the application of dust bio-fertilizer with 70% of recommendation rate could
                   increase the numbers of rice seed per spike (151 seeds/spike) which differed from control
                   treatment (141 seeds/spike).
                         The application of dust bio-fertilizer with 50 % and 70 % of recommendation rate got high
                   in the number of Azospirillium sp. which was statistically significant to the application of
                   recommendation rate in 2019 and also high in Bacillus megaterium which was statistically
                   significant to the control treatment in 2020.

                         In conclusion, the application of dust bio-fertilizer with 50 % of recommendation rate
                   should be appropriate to grow Khao Dok Mali 105 rice in sandy loam soil and could decrease the
                   chemical fertilizer expense about 50 %.
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