Page 10 - ผลกระทบการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศต่อความชื้นในดินและการเจริญเติบโตของข้าวโพดเลี้ยงสัตว์บนพื้นที่สูง จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ The Impact of Climate Change on Soil Moisture and the Growth of Maize on Upland of Chiang Mai province.
P. 10



                   The impact of climate change on soil moisture and the growth of maize on the upland of Chiang
                   Mai province at Kong Khaek Subdistrict, Mae Chaem District, Chiang Mai province in 2018 – 2020.
                   The objectives are to study the moisture content in the soil and the appropriate frequency of
                   watering for growth and yield of maize, proper soil management for maintaining soil moisture for
                   growth  and  yield  of  maize,  and  study  of  water  management  methods  for  maize  enough
                   throughout the planting period with different methods of handling soil and water. The experiment
                   design was split-plot design consists of the main plot is the mulching and sub-plot is watering

                   period with 3 replications. The main plots consist of M1: no mulching and M2: mulching with rice
                   straw and manure. And sub-plots consist of S1: no watering, S2: watering daily, S3: watering every
                   2-day,  S4:  watering  every  3-day,  and  S5:  watering  every  4-day.  The  result  showed  that  the
                   mulching method affects soil bulk density is lower than in the no mulching method. While pH,
                   organic matter, phosphorus and potassium content in soil have increased than the no mulching
                   method. On the other side, the no watering method induces the highest phosphorus content in
                   the soil in the 2 year, whereas daily watering affects potassium content in the soil in the 1st
                   year. Considering the effect of mulching on plant growth and yield of maize showed that the

                   mulching method and watering period was not significantly different and had no effect on the
                   width, length, number of rows, number of seeds per row, and seeds weight.
                   The results of the study on the effect of mulching and watering. It was found that there was no
                   interaction and no statistical difference. However, mulching with rice straw and manure were
                   significantly effect on maize yields. It has appeared in the 2  and 3  years. In addition, watering
                   every 4-day had a significant effect on maize yield. The result shows that maize production is the
                   highest  average  yield  of  1,390  kg  per  rai  in  the  2   year.  Moreover,  considering  the  yield
                   productions, costs, and economic returns and statistical analysis results. It was concluded that no
                   mulching and watering every 4-day were the most suitable methods for the growth and yield of

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