Page 4 - ผลของการใช้ระบบน้ำหยดต่อผลผลิตและคุณภาพของอ้อยในดินด่างจังหวัดนครสวรรค์ Effects of drip irrigation on sugarcane yield and qualityon calcareous soil in Nakhonsawan province
P. 4



                              Study of effect of drip irrigation system on yield and quality of sugarcane in
                       alkaline soils, Nakhon Sawan Province. Experiments were conducted from October
                       2017 to April 2021 at Ban Khao Din, Village No. 4, Nong Luang Subdistrict, Tha Tako
                       District, Nakhon Sawan Province, to study the effects of using the drip irrigation system

                       to increase yield and quality of sugarcane grown in alkaline soils. Including economic
                       returns.The experiments was  randomized complete block design (RCBD) experiments,
                       5  treatments,  4  replications.Treatment  1:  Control  plots  without  drip  irrigation,

                       treatment 2, Farmers without drip system, treatment 3: Water equal to 50% of the
                       estimated water volume in the drip irrigation system, treatment 4 gives water equal
                       to 100 % of the assessed water content in the drip irrigation system. Treatment 5
                       provides water equal to 150% of the assessed water content in the drip irrigation

                              It was found that the soil after all experiments showed a decrease in pH from
                       medium to slightly alkaline. The organic matter content tended to increase in all
                       experiments, as well as the exchangeable potassium content of all experiments.

                       Treatment showed the highest sugarcane production for all 3 years with total yield of
                       3 years was 70.83 tons per rai, representing an average annual yield of 23.61 tons per
                       rai. Sugar cane sweetness was found that the drip system had no effect on cane
                       sweetness. However, chemical fertilization had an effect on the sweetness of the

                       sugarcane. Treatment 5 showed the most economic return every year and highest net
                       income of sugarcane cultivation, the highest three-year average is 7,770 baht per rai
                       per year.
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