Page 4 - ผลของระยะเก็บเกี่ยวและการลดความชื้นต่อความงอกและความแข็งแรงของเมล็ดพันธุ์ปอเทือง Effects of Harvest Stages and Dehumidification on Germination and Vigor of Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea) Seeds
P. 4




                       Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea) is a green manure plant that farmers prefer to plant to increase
               organic matter in soil. However, now found that Sunn hemp seeds mostly  have low germination
               percentage result in a low increase in soil organic matter. The objective of this study was to study effect

               of harvest stages and suitable dehumidification method on germination and vigor of Sunn hemp seeds.
               Experimental  area  for  planting  sunn  hemp  at  Moo  8  Tambon  Wang  Yen,  Plaeng  Yao  District,
               Chachoengsao Province in November 2019 – February 2020. Two Stages of Sunn hemp seeds were

               harvested including physiological maturity (PM) and harvesting maturity (HM) stage by observing the
               characteristics of the seeds and pods. Dehumidify seeds by difference 3 methods including sun-drying,
               hot-air oven drying and shade-drying. Then storage the seeds at room temperature for seed quality
               testing  every  30  days  for  1  year  such  as  standard  seed  germination percentage,  field  emergence

               percentage and germination speed index. Results showed that seed moisture was 42.58% and 16.09%
               in PM and HM stage respectively. The seeds size and weight of PM stage was significantly higher than
               HM stage. Furthermore, the harvest stage, dehumidification method and storage duration are the factors

               that affect seed quality. It reveals that Sunn hemp seeds at HM stage and dehumidify seeds by shade-
               drying have the highest quality and the best storage duration for highest seed quality is not more than
               90 days after seeds drying. Because it shows high standard germination percentage, field emergence
               percentage and germination speed index (8 4 . 5   - 9 0 . 1 7 % , 8 7 . 1 7   - 9 2 . 1 7 %  and 1 2 . 5 2   - 13.47

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