Page 7 - การศึกษาการผลิตถ่านชีวภาพและทดลองใช้ปรับปรุงดินสำหรับการปลูกพืชสมุนไพรฟ้าทะลายโจรในระบบเกษตรอินทรีย์แบบมีส่วนร่วม Study of Biochar Production and Sol Amendment Trial for Andrographis Herb in Participatory Guarantee Systems far Organic Agriculture
P. 7
Study of biochar production and soil amendment trial for Andrographis herb in
participatory guarantee systems for organic agriculture
Surin Waijaroen Land Development Department
Study on the use of biochar for soil improvement in Andrographis herb (Andrographis
Paniculata (Burm.f.) Nees) cultivation under participatory guarantee systems for organic
farming in the Kabinburi (Kb) (soil group 4 6 ) of Loamy-skeletal, kaolinitic, isohyperthermic
Typic Haplustalfs. The experimental design was randomized complete block with 3
replicates and eight treatments. The treatments consist of 1. control plot, 2. organic fertilizer
rate of 500 kg per rai, 3. organic fertilizer rate of 1 ton per rai, 4. organic fertilizer rate of 250
kg / rai combine with biochar rate of 7 5 0 kilograms per rai, 5. organic fertilizer rate of 500
kg per rai combine with biochar rate of 5 0 0 kilograms per rai, 6. organic fertilizers rate of
750 kilograms per rai combine with biochar rate of 250 kg per rai, 7. biochar at the rate of
5 0 0 kg per rai, and 8. biochar at the rate of 1 ton per rai. The results showed that there
were no statistically significant differences in soil pH among treatments, but soil pH of
control plot tends to be lower than the rest of treatments. While before the experiment
begin soil pH is very acidic to neutral, after harvesting soil pH was slightly acidic to neutral.
The soil organic matter and available phosphorus content were not significant difference
among treatments both before experiment and after harvesting. The extractable potassium
content increased at the beginning and decreased after harvest period where the extracted
potassium in control plot was significantly lower the rest. This implied that organic fertilizers
and biochar increased the soil extractable potassium. However, Andrographis herb had
taken up the nutrient during the growth and result in the extracted potassium amount in
soil after harvesting was lower compared to that of the soil before the experiment. The
height of Andrographis herb aged 1 and 2 months in the control plot and the biochar rate
of 1 ton per rai were significant lower than the rest. At harvest, the height of Andrographis
herb was not statistically significant difference among treatments. Similarly, fresh and dry
weights were not statistically different difference among treatments. Study on
andrografolide content showed that there were no statistical difference among treatments.
While the andrografolide content was related to the soil pH, in alkaline soil, the application
of biochar rate of 1 ton per rai caused the yellow leaves in Andrographis herb with
decreasing in the andrografolide content.
Keyword: Biochar, Soil Amendment, Organic Agriculture PGS, Andrographis Herb,