Page 87 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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                     3. Strengthening agricultural sectors (organizational development)

                         - Non Thai Agricultural Marketing Organization, Nakhon Ratchasima province gives help
               and support in terms of meeting venues, facilitating collaboration

                         - Nakhon Ratchasima Land Development Station organizes training and supports factors
               of production, increases knowledge and regulations of establishing the group.

                     4. Central agencies by Land Management Research and Development Division monitor,

               check and make assessment. This is part of the approach to bring about use of areas with saline
               soil sustainably.

                     5.  Research:  There  are  students  from  Suranaree  University  of  Technology  who  conduct
               research regarding prediction of soil salinity in the area for utilization from managing areas of

               saline soil in each period of the cultivation season.

               4.1 Impact analysis and summary

                       4.1.1. Impact of the approach

                                         The approach                                 Given answers

                 makes  land  users  implement  SLM  technology  and  maintain          Moderately
                 conditions or not

                 improves cooperation and operation of SLM effectively or not             Highly

                 mobilizes  forces  or  improves  financial  sources  access  for  SLM   Moderately
                 operation or not

                 improves knowledge and abilities of land users in conducting SLM or      Highly

                 builds or makes the institute  become strong or brings  about firm     Moderately

                 cooperation among stakeholders or not
                 promotes the youth or offspring of land users to participate in SLM    Moderately

                 or not
                 improves market access or not                                            Highly

                 leads to sustainable land use or energy sources or not                   Highly

                 leads to employment opportunities or not                               Moderately

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