Page 85 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 85


               3.2Involvement of local land users or local communities in phases of the approach

                                             Involvement of local         Identify those involved and
                Phase of the approach        land users or local               explain activities


                Initiative or motivation     Mobilize forces by       Government agencies, group

                                             themselves               members transfer knowledge and
                                                                      take a study tour in order to

                                                                      implement learning and

                                                                      experiences in their own areas
                Planning                     Interaction and mobilize   Farmers and officers of Nakhon

                                             forces by themselves     Ratchasima Land Development
                                                                      Station participate in planning to

                                                                      establish the group of using organic
                                                                      substances to replace agricultural


                Operation                    Interaction and mobilize   The member group determines
                                             forces by themselves     group rules and regulations


                Monitoring or assessment     Interaction and mobilize   Monitor  and  check  together  with
                                             forces by themselves     Farmers  and  officers  of  Land

                                                                      Development Department

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