Page 51 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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                                                       5. Conclusion

               5.1 The adoption of the Technology

                       Without any material or budget incentives, about 1-1 0   percent of farmers adopted and

               applied the technology in the initial phase. This is due to the fact that initial stage modification
               requires a significant initial investment. Because a nursery pond for baby fish and also many fish

               ponds must be dug, however when adjusted the price of tilapia and snapper production is relatively

               high, and the quality satisfies market demand. Furthermore, the quantity of labor required in fish
               ponds was less than that required in rice cultivation, and the yield from fish ponds was greater than

               that of rice fields. Farmers in the nearby areas became interested in learning about saline land
               fisheries from model farmers as a result of this.

               5.2 Strengths/ advantages/ opportunities in the land user’s view

                       1. Possibility of generating additional revenue.

                       2. In the area, there is a farmer who is a successful model for using technology.

               5.3 Strengths: The opinion of compilers

                       1. Local farmers can successfully farm in saline and deteriorated lands. It helps in the

               reduction of migration from degraded land areas.

                       2. Farmers can turn a crisis into an opportunity by taking advantage of the limitations of

               having deteriorated soil to gain money by farming snapper and tilapia. As a result, greater income

               is generated because snapper can only be raised in very high salinity water and may be sold at a
               high price due to its high quality in terms of taste, which matches market demand.

                       3. Farmers will be able to rely on themselves if their quality of life improves. By
               measuring the green of phytoplankton in the pond water, the soil becomes more productive and

               the degree of salinity decreases. It is fish feed produced by balancing the acidity and alkalinity

               (pH) of the soil by adding manure and lime to the pond.

               5.4 Weaknesses/ disadvantages/ risks in the land user’s view

                       The salinity of the water in the pond has reduced, impacting snapper production in the area
               where the farmers in the network are requesting to drill an artesian well.

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