Page 47 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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               3.2 Revenues and expenses in using the technology

                       1. Initial costs and expenses of using the technology

                                                                                           All        (%) of
                               Input                   Unit    Quantity  per unit      Expenses      expenses
                                                                                       per input
                                                                                         (USD)        by land
                 Fish pond digging and equipment       pond        22      1,029.40    22,647.20       100.0
                 set up such as water pumps,           pond        22       441.18      9,705.88       100.0
                 fishing nets

                 herbivorous fish food and             sack       880        10.29      9,058.82       100.0
                 carnivorous fish food (given
                 during the last 2 months before
                 fishing) 1 pond 40 sacks of feed
                 per production cycle.
                 Manure (0.16 ha, put 100 kg) in an  kilogram    4,200       0.06         252          100.0
                 area of 6,72 ha (6.25 rai = 1 ha)
                 Lime (0.16 ha put 100 kg) in the    kilogram    4,200       0.05         210          100.0
                 area of 6.72 ha (6.25 rai= 1 ha)
                 Total expenses of establishing                                        41,856.47
                 the technology

               Calculation of cost and expenses

               Cost calculations and overhead costs are calculated per technology area. (Unit of size and area:

               6.72 ha, conversion from 1 hectare: 1 ha = 6.25 rai).
               The currency used to calculate costs with the unit as Baht

               Exchange rate (to US dollars) 1 US. Dollars = 34.00 baht.
               Average  daily  wage  is  8.82  USD.  Activities  include  digging  fish  ponds  (period/frequency:

               beginning of production season) and purchasing established equipment such as Pumps, fishing
               nets (period/frequency: beginning of production season)

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