Page 50 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 50


                 2. Land use / Water  Improvement  Use the land to grow  The area is used for fish

                 use right                            rice only.            farming and salt tolerant
                                                                            perennial planting.

                 3. Knowledge on      A significant   Knowledge about       Gaining knowledge through

                 land degradation     improvement  land deterioration is    training and hands-on
                 management                           limited.              experience.

                       3. Ecology impact

                       Aspect            Impact             Before                     After
                 1. Soil protection      increase      There is no chance  Grass or weeds start to

                                                       for grass or weeds  emerge. Weeds growing

                                                       to grow.            along the pond's embankment
                                                                           edge contributed to an

                                                                           increase in soil cover.

               4.2. Off-site impact from using the technology

                       Aspect             Impact             Before                    After
                 1. Greenhouse gas's     reduction      Preparing the plot   It is possible to reduce

                 impact                                 by burning rice     carbon dioxide emissions
                                                        fields              from burning by switching

                                                                            to tamarind cultivation.

                                                                            Contribute to the reduction
                                                                            of greenhouse gas


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