Page 49 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 49


                                                      4. Environment

               4.1 Impact in the on-site from using the technology

                       1.Economic and Social

                       Aspect            Impact              Before                    After
                 1. Crop production    The greatest   Rice production       Farming for tilapia and snapper

                                         increase     with low yields but   with high yields and good

                                                      high capital costs.   prices, worth the investment.
                 2. Land               Much easier    The efficiency of     Approximately  80%  of  the

                 management                           land utilization is   land is used more efficiently.

                                                      estimated to be
                                                      around 20%.

                 3. Farm income        The greatest   Profit from the sale   Earn income from fish
                                         increase     of 117.65 USD rice  farming 1,470.59 USD per

                                                      every production      production cycle.

                 4. Workload             Increase     During the rice       It  does  not  require  much

                                                      production stage,     attention and can be fed fish
                                                      there are numerous    in its natural state twice a day.

                                                      activities and tasks

                                                      to complete.

                       2. Social and Cultural impact

                      Aspect             Impact              Before                     After

                 1. Food security     A significant   The return is low,    The  return  on  investment  is
                 and self-reliance    improvement  making the               worthwhile, and farmers can

                                                      investment            become self-sufficient.

                                                      resulting in debt.

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