Page 48 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 48


               Most important factor having effects on expenses

                       Costs of fish feed have increased as a result of dense tilapia populations. To get rid of the
               juvenile tilapia, bring snapper to raise in the pond.

                       2. Maintenance costs

                                                                                          All       (%) of
                               Input                   Unit    Quantity  per unit      Expenses  expenses
                                                                            (USD)      per input  incurred
                                                                                        (USD)       by land

                Herbivorous fish food and               sack      880        10.29     9,058.82      100.0
                carnivorous fish food (given during
                the last 2 months before fishing) 1
                pond 40 sacks of feed per production

                Manure (0.16 ha, put 100 kg) in an    kilogra    4,200       0.06         252        100.0
                area of 6.72 ha (6.25 rai= 1 ha)         m

                Lime (0.16 ha put 100 kg) in the area  kilogra   4,200       0.05         210        100.0
                of 6.72 ha (6.25 rai= 1 ha)              m

                Total expenses of maintaining the                                      9,503.53
                technological condition

               Maintenance activities

                       Feed the fish, check the water condition of the pond and fish in the pond (period/frequency:

               2 times a day).

               3.3 Revenue from sales of fish product

                      Before using technology, only 117.65 USD per year can be earned from rice farming.

                      After using technology, earning 147.06 USD each pond/production cycle from fish
               farming (there are 22 ponds). So the entire income is around 64,705.88 USD

               3.4 Spending and net income

                       Total earnings                                   64,705.88           USD
                       The total cost of setup and maintenance          51,360.00           USD

                       A total net income was generated                 13,345.88           USD

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