Page 10 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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               soils  in  Thailand.  Selection  criteria  of  technologies  and  approaches  for  documentation

               questionnaire for technologies and questionnaire for approaches are as follow:

                   1)  Relevance: The selected technologies should be able to address land degradations that are

                       prevalent in the area or region,

                   2)  Robust: The selected technologies should be able to withstand the test of time and proven

                       to be applicable in a wide variety of conditions,

                   3)  Replicability  and  Transferability:  The  selected  technologies  should  be  replicable  and
                       transferable to a wide variety of land users in similar conditions,

                   4)  Effectiveness: The technologies should be effective in preventing, reducing, recovering
                       from or adapting to land degradation problems facing land users in the area or region,

                   5)  Efficiency:  The  technologies  should  be  cost  effective  in  addressing  specific  land
                       degradation problems in the region. Nevertheless, priority should be given to technologies

                       or approaches that generate favorable social returns with emphasis given to technologies
                       or  approaches  that  incentivize  stakeholders  or  public-private  partnerships  in  achieving

                       long-term sustainability outcome.

                   6)  Livelihood: The selected technologies should be applicable to livelihood activities that are

                       prevalent in the area or region and can potentially contribute to household food security

                       and sustainable livelihood enhancement,

                   7)  Empowerment: The selected technologies and/or approaches can potentially contribute to

                       empowering local community and enhancing social equality in favor of the disadvantaged,
                       i.e., the poor, the aged, and women and girls, etc.,

                   8)  No Negative Externality: The selected technologies should be free from creating negative

                       externalities or off-site impacts be it environmental, social or economic, and

                   9)  Sustainability: The selected technologies should be sustainable in all three main aspects:

                       social, economic and environmental.

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