Page 3 - การจัดการดินเปรี้ยวจัดที่เหมาะสมเพื่อความเป็นประโยชน์ของธาตุอาหารพืชต่อการผลิตของปาล์มน้ำมันที่ปลูกในจังหวัดพัทลุง Appropriate management of acid sulfate soil to increasing the availableof plant nutrient with for manufacture on oil palm in Phattalung
P. 3



                                 Appropriate management of acid sulfate soil to increasing the availableof plant
                      nutrient  with  for  manufacture  on  oil  palm  in  Phattalung  province  on  October  2017  to
                      September 2020. The consists of 3 sub-projects were 1) Effect of using organic fertilizer with
                      dolomite for oil palm growth on acid sulfate soil in Phattalung province 2) Effect of using bio
                      fertilizer and reduce chemical fertilizer rate to increasing on oil palm in acid sulfate soil at
                      Phattalung province 3) Effect of using bio fertilizer and high-quality fertilizer with to the size
                      and weight of oil palm fruit bunches in acid sulfate soil at Phattalung province. This research
                      has guidelines for managing acid sulfate soil. By using dolomite adjust soil reaction and

                      increasing the fertility of the soil by biotechnology of Land Development Department
                      such as liquid fertilizer LDD2, compost integrated with microbial super LDD9, bio-fertilizer super
                      LDD12, manure, high-quality organic fertilizers with reducing the use of chemical fertilizers
                      to increase the productivity and potential of acid sulfate soil for the growth of oil palm,
                      reduce production costs and increase economic returns. This will be used as a practice
                      to expand results to farmers in the area of acid sulfate soil further. The study was able

                      to divide the management according to the age of the oil palm, oil palm aged 1–3 years, using
                      dolomite according to lime requirement combined with chemical fertilizer in the half rate of the
                      recommended by Department of Agriculture (DOA) and compost integrated with microbial super
                      LDD.9 rate of 3 kg per plant. There was the best way That gave the oil palm the highest yield
                      in the first year, which was 1,377.20 kg per rai. When the oil palm begins to yield (3-5 years
                      old), using dolomite according to lime requirement combined with chemical fertilizer in 30% of rate
                      the recommended by DOA and bio-fertilizer super LDD12 rates of 15 kg per plant. There was the
                      best way to produce large amounts of oil palm. Fresh weight and yield were the highest at
                      15.86 bunches per plant per year and 3,392.64 kilograms per rai per year, respectively. Over 5
                      years of age, should be managed by using dolomite according to the lime requirement (LR),
                      with chemical fertilizers in the half the rate of soil analysis and bio-fertilizer super LDD12 rates

                      of 10 kg per plant. There have average circumference of bunches, fresh weight per bunch and
                      the highest yield weight per rai. The mean circumference of oil palm bunches was 91.72
                      centimeters,  live weight  per  bunch  was  11.9  kilograms,  and oil  palm  yield was  3,215.29
                      kilograms per rai per year, respectively.

                      Keywords:  acid sulfate soil, Chemical Fertilizer, Biotechnology, oil plam

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