Page 94 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 94


               3.2 Revenues and expenses in using the technology

                     1. Initial costs and expenses in using the technology

                                                                                                      % of
                                                                                          All       expenses
                              Inputs                  Unit     Quantity  Expenses  expenses         incurred
                                                                           per unit  per inputs      by land
                                                                            (USD)       (USD)         users

                 Digging ponds                                   5,300       1.02        5,406         100
                 Digging plantation furrow                        700        1.02         714          100
                 Water pump of 2 horse power          Pump         1        220.58      220.58         100

                 Sprinkler system                     Zone         4        205.88      823.52         100
                 Total expenses of establishing                                        7,164.10
                 the technology (US dollars)

               Calculation of costs and expenses

               Expenses are calculated per areas using technology (Unit of size and area: 1.28 ha)

               The currency used to calculate expenses with the unit as Baht
               Exchange rate (to US. dollars) 1 US. dollars = 34.0 Baht

               Average wage in hiring labor per day is 300 Baht

               Most important factors having effects on expenses

                       1. Electricity costs

                       2. Manure costs

   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99