Page 95 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 95


                     2. Maintenance costs

                                                                                                       % of
                                                                           Expenses                  expenses
                              Inputs                  Unit     Quantity  per unit     per inputs     incurred
                                                                            (USD)                    by land
                 -                                      -          -           -           -             -

                 Electricity costs                   Month         12        11.76      141.12         100
                 Manure costs                         sack        360          1          360          100
                 Total expenses of establishing                                         501.12
                 the technology (US dollars)

               3.3 Incomes from selling products and net incomes

                       Before using the technology There were no incomes from using the area due to the fact that
               the area was bought from farmers and the whole land was adjusted systematically to practice eco-


                       After using the technology There are incomes from more various agricultural productions,

               namely pomelo products with the selling price of 2.94 USD per kilogram, jackfruits with the
               selling price of 100  Baht  per kilogram, mangos  with  the selling  price of  1.02 USD  Baht  per

               kilogram, bananas with the selling price of 0.73 USD per hand of bananas. Currently, there is an

               average monthly income of 117.6 USD. However, there is a small quantity of products obtained
               due to the fact that fruits do not give yields at their full potentials.

                       Estimating future incomes from pomelo which will be the main cash crop in 2027 or for
               the next five years is the pomelo tree accounting for 80 trees, each of which gives the yield for 60

               fruits annually. The average fruit weight is 2 kilograms. This will give a total of yields accounting
               for 4,800 fruits annually. The selling price is 100 Baht per kilogram, accounting for the total

               income of 28,235.3 USD annually.

   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100