Page 6 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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               Land degradation is one of the biggest threats to food security and agriculture in Asia and the

               Pacific. Approximately 25% of all land in the region is degraded, with 13% classified as seriously
               degraded, leading to soil erosion and fertility losses, increased flash floods and landslides that

               particularly affect the poor and marginalized minorities. Asia is home to 37.2% of the global arable
               land and also the largest area of land under degradation.

               The Regional Assessment of Soil Change in Asia, as part of the Status of World’ Soil Resources
               (FAO, 2015) highlights the following main threats to soil in the region 1) Erosion; 2) Soil organic

               carbon change; 3) Soil salinization and sodification and 4) Nitrogen imbalance. These threats are
               driven  by  compounded  impacts  of  population  growth,  industrialization,  urbanization,

               unsustainable agriculture and climate change.

               In  2019,  the  Fifth  Asian  Soil  Partnership  (ASP)  Plenary  Meeting  held  in  New  Delhi,  India

               recommended and endorsed the establishment of the Center of Excellence for Soil Research in

               Asia (CESRA). The major mission of CESRA is to support ASP countries in achieving sustainable
               soil management with coordinated actions on soil protection, management and restoration in the

               regions  and  mitigate  the  negative  impacts  on  food  production  and  food  security  as  well  as
               sustaining  provision  of  ecosystem  services  and  climate  change  adaptation.    CESRA  is  also

               expected  to  promote  the  exchange  of  knowledge,  data,  and  experience  in  the  region  through,
               among  others,  the  promotion  and  implementation  of  the  Southeast  Asia  Laboratory  Network

               (SEALNET) with data harmonization and standardization and facilitate technical cooperation.

               The CESRA Secretariat was established in the Land Development Department (LDD), Thailand.

               The CESRA will serve as the regional hub for advancing targeted soil research based on regional

               priorities to feed decision making. FAO Thailand has developed a TCP project to support the
               development of an operational strategy and work plan for CESRA and strengthening technical

               capacity  for  soil  testing  laboratories  with  harmonization  of  soil  data  and  information  and  the
               establishment of the National Thai Soil Laboratory Network.

               A Global Soil Map is available through the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) in 2021. However, the
               Global Map of Salt Affected Soils lacks data and information of sustainable soil management for

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