Page 8 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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               reported that more than 0.6 million hectares or 1.31% of the total area in Thailand is salt affected

               soils, comprising of the inland and the coastal salt-affected soils. The inland salt-affected soils in
               Thailand are formed through geochemical process and distributed in the northeastern part of the

               country while coastal salt-affected soils originated from seawater scattered along the coastal lines.
               The  salt-affected  soils  are  classified  as  slightly,  moderately,  severely  salt-affected  soils  and

               potential salt source area and the management practices are in line with this classification.

               The wide spread inland salt-affected soils in the Northeast of Thailand caused by both natural and

               anthropogenic salination processes. Management of inland salt-affected soil depends upon the
               degree of salinity and the prevalent local salination processes. In general, salt-affected soils in the

               northeast are high in sodium and chloride content, sandy and low in fertility. For the slightly to

               moderately salt affected soils, the areas are generally used for rice cultivation or other cash crops.
               Salt  affected  soil  improvement  practices  mostly  applied  in  these  areas  involve  the  use  of

               appropriate technology packages, including the selection of salt-tolerant crop species and the use
               of organic amendments such as compost, organic matter, and green manure.

               Numerous studies showed that application of organic amendments such as green manure, farmyard
               manure  or  compost  to  increase  soil  fertility  and  improve  soil  physical  properties.  The  use  of

               organic amendments in combination with reshaping the paddy field was another effective method
               that  LDD  promotes  to  farmers  to  increase  rice  yield  in  salt  affected  land.  Furthermore,  land

               leveling with planting salt tolerant trees on the ridge was successfully remediated the moderately

               salt affected soils.

               Prevention and reclamation practices are used in strongly saline soils. In the Northeastern where

               strongly salt-affected soils occur, biological control as reforestation which include screening of
               suitable salt-tolerant varieties of plants with a deep rooting system and high consumptive use of

               water are recommended to prevent spread of soil salinization. These plants have been grown in
               saline areas to reduce amount of excess water that flows to water table, this saline which is lower

               from the groundwater table will not up to soil surface. For salt-tolerant trees, Acacia ampliceps,

               Casuarina glauca and Melaleuca acaciodes, grew successfully well in the severely salt-affected
               soils. While some native species namely Azadirachta indica, Cassia siamea, Tamarindus indica

               and Pithecellobium dulce could also tolerate at high salinity level.

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