Page 12 - การศึกษาประสิทธิภาพของผลิตภัณฑ์ปุ๋ยชีวภาพสำหรับนาข้าวต่อการเจริญเติบโตและผลผลิตข้าวสังข์หยด จังหวัดพัทลุง
P. 12



                       จํานวนตนตอกอสูงสุด 12.73 กอ และในปที่ 1 และปที่2 ตํารับการทดลองที่ 2 ซึ่งใชปุยเคมีตามคา

                       วิเคราะหดิน มีจํานวนผลผลิตมากที่สุด เทากับ 522.37 และ 496.07 กิโลกรัมตอไร  สําหรับในปที่ 3
                       ตํารับควบคุม (ตํารับที่ 1) มีจํานวนผลผลิตมากที่สุด เทากับ 449.73 กิโลกรัมตอไร


                                The experiment was the study of bio-fertilizer efficiency for rice on the

                       growth and yield of Sangyod rice in Phatthalung province. This experiment operated in
                       Moo 6, Nhakuan village, Tapan sub-district, Sribanpot district, Phatthalung province

                       and had  been conducted   from  October  2017  to February  2021. The  experiment

                       aimed to study the bio-fertillizer efficiency on Sangyod rice. It was arranged in
                       Randomize Complete Block Design (RCBD), consisted 8 treatments with 3 replications.

                       Tr.1) Control, applied 16-20-0 at the rate of 20 kg/rai combined with 46-0-0 at the rate
                       of 10 kg/rai, Tr.2) applied 16-20-0 at the rate of 15 kg/rai combined with 46-0-0 at the

                       rate of 8 kg/rai and 0-0-60 at the rate of 10 kg/rai, Tr.3) applied bio-fertilizer liquid for

                       rice, Tr.4) applied bio-fertilizer liquid for rice combined with 50% of chemical fertilizer
                       in  Tr.2, Tr.5) applied bio-fertilizer liquid for  rice combined with  70%  of chemical

                       fertilizer in Tr.2, Tr.6) applied bio-fertilizer powder for rice, Tr.7) applied bio-fertilizer

                       powder for rice combined with 50% of chemical fertilizer in Tr.2, and Tr.8) applied bio-
                       fertilizer powder for rice combined with 70% of chemical fertilizer in Tr.2.

                                The results indicated that soil chemical properties -pH, organic matter, and

                       available  phosphorus in soil of  each treatment was statistically non-significant
                       difference but tended to increased. While,  available potassium in soil of  each

                       treatment was statistically non-significant difference  but it tended to  decreased.

                       Moreover, the growth (height) of Sangyod rice each treatment was statistically non-
                       significant  difference.  The  yield  components  and  yield  of  Sangyod  rice  of  each

                       treatment  was  statistically  non-significant difference. In  addition, applied fertilizer

                       based on  Tr.2  produced  the  highest  number  of  tillers  per  plant  (12.73 tillers  per
                       plant) in the second year. Furthermore, it produced the highest yield in the first year

                       and the second year (522.37 kg/rai and 496.07 kg/rai in order) but in the third year,

                       applied fertilizer based on Tr.1 produced the highest yield (449.73 kg/rai)
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