Page 3 - ผลการปรับปรุงดินด้วยถ่านชีวภาพต่อปริมาณความชื้นและการแทรกซึมน้ำในดินปลูกมันสำปะหลัง Effect of Biochar for Soil Amendment on Moisture Content and Water Infiltration for Planting Cassava
P. 3




                           Biochar improves soil physical properties. Due to its high porosity properties, when added
                    to the soil, it absorbs moisture, water retention, nutrient absorption. The objective of the study
                    was to study the effect of Padauk wood biochar on soil moisture and soil infiltration under three
                    soil-textured group of cassava field areas at Nakhon Ratchasima province. There were 3 different
                    biochar application rates, without biochar (T1); soil amended with biochar every year 1,000 kg/rai
                    (T2) and with biochar once, 2000 kg/rai (T3). Data were collected for water infiltration rate and soil
                    moisture content at a depth of 10, 20, 30, 40, 60 and 100 cm from the soil surface. According to
                    the three times where the growth period of cassava in 1, 3 months and harvesting period. The

                    results showed that Padauk wood biochar is very porous. Irregularly small, the pore size ranges
                    from  0.4-15  m,  with  specific  surface  area  values  from  50.94  to  71.67  m /g.  The  pore  size
                    distribution in the medium pore range ranges from 20-47 Å. The moisture content and water
                    infiltration rate of the soil amended with biochar compared with soil without the biochar were
                    found. Adding biochar at the rate of 1,000 kg/rai per year and at the rate of 2,000 kg/rai as a
                    result, the coarse-textured soil moisture was increased at a depth of 60-100 cm. It was found that
                    3 months after the application of biochar, the water infiltration rate was higher than without the

                    application of biochar. Medium-textured soil had higher soil moisture at 0-20 cm soil depth when
                    adding biochar at the rate of 2,000 kg/rai, and the rate of soil water infiltration increased during 3
                    months until the harvesting period as well as the water infiltration rate of fine-textured soil. It was
                    found  that  the  fine-textured  soil  moisture  was  higher  at  the  soil  depth  of  60-100  cm  after
                    applying  biochar at  the  rate  of  1,000 kg/rai  for  2 years.  Considering  cassava  yields  and  their
                    components  of  cassava.  In  all  three  soil-textured  groups  amended  with  biochar  did  not
                    significantly increase cassava yield. But found that during the first year, the rate of biochar at
                    2,000 kg/rai effected to stem weight in coarse-textured soil and fine-textured soil, and fresh top
                    weight in coarse-textured soil was significantly higher than without biochar added.

                    Key word: Biochar, Moisture content, Water infiltration, Cassava
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