Page 5 - อิทธิพลจากการเผาต่อระบบการปลูกข้าวโพด และคาร์บอนในดินบนพื้นที่สูง จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ Effects of Burning on Maize Production Systems and Soil Carbon on Upland in Chiang Mai Province.
P. 5



                          The study of the effects of burning on maize production systems and soil carbon on upland
                   in Chiang Mai Province. The objective of this study was to study the effects of incineration on the

                   maize planting system. Some soil properties and soil carbon including the economic return of maize
                   in  the  farmer  area,  Kong  Khaek  subdistrict,  Mae  Chaem  District,  Chiang  Mai  Province.  The
                   experimental design was of randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 3 replications, consisting

                   of 8   treatments as follows; T1 :   control (no stubble burning and no-tillage), T2 :   stubble burning-
                   tillage, and the farmer's method, T3 :   no stubble burning- no-tillage and the farmer's method, T4:
                   no stubble burning-tillage and the farmer's method, T5 :   no stubble burning- tilling and the Thai
                   fertility soil management method (TSFM) with organic fertilizer at the rate of 2 tons per rai, T6: no

                   stubble burning - tillage and the TSFM method with the organic fertilizer at the rate of 4   tons per
                   rai, T7 :   no stubble burning-tillage and the TSFM method with soil analysis, and T8 :   no stubble
                   burning - tillage and the TSFM method. The soil properties, pH of 6 . 8 7   at a neutral level, organic

                   matter content and soil carbon content were 2.44 and 2.32%, and potassium in the soil was 91.33
                   and 434 mg/kg, respectively, decreased from before the cultivation. Because it is the main nutrient
                   that plants use for growth and food storage in the seeds. As for the average calcium and magnesium
                   content of 1 9 7 7 . 6 7   and 2 0 9 . 3 3   mg/kg, respectively, for the growth of maize in the 1  cropping
                   season, it was found that the maize plants in the T6   regimen had the highest growth at the age of
                   60 days after planting with an average height of 276.87 cm. as high as 1600 kg/rai. It was statistically
                   different from other methods (p<0.05) and yielded the highest yield of 9,567.90 baht/rai in the 2
                   cropping season and the highest yield was 7,8 3 6 . 1 6   baht/rai. No statistical difference was found
                   (p>0.05). Therefore, soil management by tillage and apply the chemical fertilizers corporate with
                   organic fertilizers according to the T6   formulation were suitable methods to increase maize yield.
                   In addition, the study of nutrients in corn plants above the soil, the average organic carbon, nitrogen,

                   phosphorus and potassium were 34.52, 0.97, 0.05, 1.67 %, and the roots had 18.46, 0.61, 0.04 and
                   0.90 % of the average organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, respectively. The maize
                   biomass was 5 1 7 . 3 3 -9 5 4 . 6 7   tons per rai. The study showed the management of crop residues

                   before cultivation by tillage into the soil without burning stubble will increase nutrients and increase
                   soil fertility in the long term.
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