Page 4 - ศึกษาอัตราส่วนผสมระหว่างปูนมาร์ล กรดซิลิคอนและถ่านชีวภาพเพื่อปั้นเม็ดเพื่อใช้ปรับปรุงบำรุงดินในพื้นที่ดินเปรี้ยวจัด Study the mixture ratio between marl, silicon and biochar to form pellets for increasing plant growth in acid sulfate soils
P. 4


                     Study the mixture ratio between marl, silicon and biochar to form pellets for
                                        increasing plant growth in acid sulfate soils

                             Bunjirtluk Jintaridth    Sakol Panmoeng     Sarannop Intasaen

                                      Nisuda Thongkumpan  and Supranee Tonjan


                                The  mixture  ratio  between  marl,  silicon  and  biochar  to  form  pellets  for

                  increasing  plant  growth  in  acid  sulfate  soils  was  studied.  The  objectives  were  soil

                  improvement, and increasing yield of sweet corn. The location was conducted in Rangsit

                  series (soil group 11), Patumthanee province between 2019-2020. Randomized Complete

                  Block Design (RCB) was applied for 4 replications and 7 treatments. (T ) Treatments were
                  control plots, (T ) 1872 kilograms per rai of marl application, (T )100 kilograms per rai of
                  silicon  application,  (T )  2  tons  per  rai  of  biochar  application,  (T )  the  mixture  ratio
                  between marl, silicon and biochar to form pellets 1 : 1 : 1, (T ) the mixture ratio between
                  marl, silicon and biochar to form pellets 1: 2: 1, (T ) the mixture ratio between marl,
                  silicon and biochar to form pellets 1 : 1 : 2. After experiment, results showed that soil

                  properties had changed. With applying marl, silicon and biochar, the soil had the  pH

                  value, %OM, avail. P, extr. K, extr. Ca, and extr. Mg in the soil increased, respectively. Also

                  at different the mixture ratio between marl, silicon and biochar to form pellets 1: 2: 1 (T )
                  had a tendency to increase productivity of sweet corn yield, length and width of leaf, the

                  height of sweet corn. The mixture ratio between marl, silicon and biochar to form pellets
                  1: 1: 2 (T ) gave the highest weight of ears of corn (grams). However, it was not statistical

                  different to the mixture ratio between marl, silicon and biochar to form pellets 1 : 2 : 1.
                  Control treatment (T1) had the lowest of sweet corn yield, length and width of leaf, the

                  height of sweet corn and the weight of ears of corn (grams).

                  Key words:  marl, silicon, biochar, acid sulfate soils, sweet corn

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