Page 152 - แนวทางการประเมินกำลังผลิตของดินสำหรับปลูกมันสำปะหลังจังหวัดนครราชสีมา
P. 152


                     - แฟ้มข้อมูลดิน (.SL-) ตัวอย่างแฟ้มข้อมูลดินชุดดินสีคิ้ว

                      ***SOIL FILE*** - soils\
                      Soil data file written on Monday January 9, 1995 at  7:11:41 p.m.

                       1. SOIL site:  Si Sikhiu  Nakhon Ratchasima
                       2. Local soil name:  Sikhiu Series (Si)
                       3. A soil taxonomy name:  fl,isohyperthermic Ultic Paleustalfs
                       4. Brief description:  deep soil from old alluvium calcareous
                       5. Name of file author:  Prattana
                       6. Date created:  25/12/15
                       7. Data-provider's name:  Taweesak
                       8. Printed source(s) of data:  Soil Information System of Thailand
                       9. Special reasons for interest:  Undulating 230-280 m above msl.
                      10. Remarks:  Classified for soil group 36
                      11. Remarks:  Land use for agronomic crops and some fruit trees
                      12. Remarks:  Moderate extent in Southern part of Northeast plateau
                      13. Remarks:  Similar soil

                      SOIL 1. Aer'n (class,1-6,nil to good):                          6   (good)
                      SOIL 2. Base saturation (% CEC):                               71.1   (high)
                      SOIL 3. CEC (cmol kg ):                                       11.2   (mod.)
                      SOIL 4. Depth overall (root access)(cm):                                        160
                      SOIL 5. Nitrogen (%):                                          0.09   (low)
                      SOIL 6. pH:                                                    6.38   (neutral)
                      SOIL 7. Phosphorus (avail.ppm,Olsen):                               12   (mod.)
                      SOIL 8. Potassium (cmol kg ):                                   0.14   (low)
                      SOIL 9. Salinity (dS m ):                                       0.02   (slight)
                      SOIL10. Slope (deg.):                                                          2
                      SOIL11. Depth - layer A (cm):                                                30
                      SOIL12. Depth - layer B (cm):                                       130
                      SOIL13. Depth - infil'n zone I (cm):                                          0
                      SOIL14. Texture - layer A (class,1-8):                        4   (loam)
                      SOIL15. Texture - layer B (class,1-8):                             4   (loam)
                      SOIL16. Texture - infil'n zone I (class,1-8):                               0
                      SOIL17. AWCA% (pl. avail. water):                         16     (mod.)
                      SOIL18. AWCB%:                                                   13   (mod.)
                      SOIL19. DRWCA% (drainable ....):                              16   (mod.)
                      SOIL20. DRWCB%:                                               16   (mod.)
                      SOIL21. DRWCI%:                                                                 0
                      ***end of file***
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