Page 18 - World Reference Base for Soil Resources of Thailand
P. 18

Land Development Department Library

                             Key to the Reference Soil Groups                        RSG          Code

             5. Pronounced accumulation of organic matter in the mineral topsoil

             Very dark topsoil, secondary carbonates:                           Chernozems*         CH
             Dark topsoil, secondary carbonates:                                Kastanozems         KS

             Dark topsoil, no secondary carbonates (unless very deep),
             high base status:                                                  Phaeozems           PH

             Dark topsoil, low base status:                                     Umbrisols*         UM

             6. Accumulation of moderately soluble salts or non-saline substances
             Accumulation of, and cementation by, secondary silica:             Durisols*           DU
             Accumulation of secondary gypsum:                                  Gypsisols**         GY

             Accumulation of secondary carbonates:                              Calcisols**         CL

             7. Soils with clay-enriched subsoil
             Interfingering of coarser-textured, lighter coloured material into a
             finer-textured, stronger coloured layer:                           Retisols**          RT

             Low-activity clays, low base status:                               Acrisols            AC

             Low-activity clays, high base status:                              Lixisols            LX
             High-activity clays, low base status:                              Alisols*            AL

             High-activity clays, high base status:                             Luvisols            LV

             8. Soils with little or no profile differentiation
             Moderately developed:                                              Cambisols           CM

             Sandy:                                                             Arenosols           AR

             Stratified fluviatile, marine and lacustrine sediments:            Fluvisols           FL

             No significant profile development:                                Regosols            RG

            Remarks:   ** RSGs is not found in Thailand (6 RSGs)

                        * RSGs is not found in Thailand and may need further classification (8 RSGs)

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