Page 15 - World Reference Base for Soil Resources of Thailand
P. 15
Land Development Department Library
Diagnostic horizon Soil taxonomy
properties and materials
Gypsiric material** 5% or more gypsum
Histic horizon Histic epipedon
Hortic horizon Deep, P rich, anthropedogenic horizon
Hydragric horizon Redox features resulting from wet cultivation
Irragric horizon Light-coloured surface resulting from irrigation
Limnic material Limnic layer of coprogenous earth, diatomaceous earth and marl
Lithic discontinuity Lithologic discontinuity
Melanic horizon** Melanic epipedon
Mineral material Mineral material
Mollic horizon Mollic epipedon
Natric horizon Natric horizon
Nitic horizon Argillic horizon with shiny ped faces
Organic soil material Organic soil material
Permafrost** Permafrost
Petrocalcic horizon** Petrocalcic horizon
Petroduric horizon** Duripan
Petrogypsic horizon** Petrogypsic horizon
Petroplinthic horizon Petroferric contact
Pisoplinthic horizon 40% or more of hardened pisolitic laterite or ironstone
Plaggic horizon** Plaggen epipedon
Plinthic horizon Plinthite
Pretic horizon** -
Protocalcic properties** Petrocalcic horizon
Protovertic horizon Low prominent of shrink-swell cracks, slickensides or wedge-shaped peds
Reducing conditions Aquic conditions
Retic properties Interfingering of albic materials
Salic horizon Salic horizon
Secondary carbonates Identifiable secondary carbonates