Page 16 - World Reference Base for Soil Resources of Thailand
P. 16
Land Development Department Library
Diagnostic horizon Soil taxonomy
properties and materials
Shrink-swell cracks Cracks that open and close periodically
Sideralic properties Requirements of oxic horizon except texture requirement
Soil organic carbon Requirement of organic Soil Material
Sombric horizon Sombric horizon
Spodic horizon Spodic horizon
Stagnic properties Episaturation or temporarily saturated with surface water
Strongly humic properties >1.4 g organic C 100 g soil in 100 cm of depth; assume bulk density
1.5 Mg m -3
Sulfidic soil material Sulfidic material
Sulfuric horizon Sulfuric horizon
Takyric horizon** Clayey surface crust in flooded arid soils
Tephric soil material** Slightly weathered volcanic tephra
Terric horizon** Mineral material applied by humans
Thionic horizon Sulfuric horizon
Umbric horizon** Umbric epipedon
Vertic horizon more prominent of shrink-swell cracks, slickensides or wedge-shapedpeds
Vitric horizon** 10% or more volcanic glass
Yermic horizon** Surface layer of gravel, desert pavement
Remarks: ** not found in Thailand