Page 58 - ลักษณะและสมบัติของชุดดินในภาคกลางของประเทศไทย
P. 58

_______________.  1998.  Key to Soil Taxonomy.  Eighth Edition.  United States Department of

                       Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Survice, Washington, D.C.  326 p.

                  _______________.  1999.  Soil Taxonomy. A Basic System of Soil Classification for Making and

                       Intertreting. Second Edition.  Soil Surveys Agriculture Handbook No. 436.  Natural Resources

                       Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture.  U. S. Government Printing Office

                       Washington, D.C.  871 p.

                  _______________.  2003.  Key to Soil Taxonomy.  Ninth Edition.  United States Department of

                       Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Survice, Washington, D.C.  332 p.

                  W. Van Der Kevie and B. Yenmanas.  1972.  Detailed Reconnaissance Soil Survey of Southern

                       Central Plain Area.  Soil Survey Report No. 89.  Soil Survey Division, Department of Land

                       Development, Thailand and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.  187 p.

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