Page 6 - การศึกษาระบบการผลิตต้นหญ้าแฝกหอมในระดับอุตสาหกรรมด้วยไบโอรีแอคเตอร์จมชั่วคราว
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                   addition,༛V.  zizanioides (L.)༛Nash༛extract༛from༛roots༛had༛higher༛TPC༛than༛extracts༛from༛

                   occurred  during cultured༛had༛the༛highest༛TPC༛and༛total༛polysaccharide༛content,༛which༛

                   were 6.70༛and 65.04༛µg/mg,༛respectively.༛In༛addition,༛total༛TPC༛was༛30.61༛µg/mg,༛which༛

                   was  higher than natural  seedling  from  Khon Kaen source 5 . 0 2 ༛ µg/mg)  and  close  to
                   Mahasarakham༛source (32.29 µg/mg) when extracted by boiling.

                            Bacterial  contaminants  in solid  media  systems  for vetiver were  identified  as
                   Acinetobacter, Agrobacterium, Bacillus, Burkholderia, Kosakonia, Pantoea and Rhizobium,

                   whereas  TIB  systems  were  contaminated  by Bacillus.  Fusarium  was  the  most  fungal

                   contaminant  in solid  system and  fungal  contaminants  in TIB  were  Cladosporium and
                   Fusarium  solani.༛ These༛ results༛ indicated༛ that༛ endophytes༛ were༛ the༛ main༛ source༛ of༛

                   microbial༛contamination༛in༛solid༛system.༛Bacillus and Cladosporium contaminated in TIB
                   system༛suggested༛that༛caused༛by༛laboratory༛conditions,༛whereas༛Fusarium     solani may

                   introduced༛by༛endophytic༛fungus༛of༛vetiver. It was found that 6%༛of༛hydrogen༛peroxide༛

                   could inhibit all tested bacteria.༛Bacillus tequilensis was༛resist༛to༛PPM༛(2ml/L)༛and༛0.1%༛of༛

                   and  Pantoea dispersa.  Fungicidal༛ activity༛ of༛ carbendazim༛ (1-3%)༛ against༛ fungal༛

                   contaminants of vetiver micropropagation༛was༛carried༛out.༛The༛results༛found༛that༛1%༛of༛

                   Keywords:  Vetiveria zizanioides  (L.)༛ Nash,༛ micropropagation༛ system,༛ plant༛ tissue༛

                                culture temporary immersion bioreactor,༛contamination,༛root-knot༛nematode,༛

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