Page 171 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 171


                                           4. Steps and activities of the operation

                  Steps of the operation              Activities           Supporting or being supported

                1.  Holding a meeting with   Giving technological data     Transferring knowledge to the

                network farmers              regarding to developing areas  network and the farmer group,
                                             with saline soil and attending  giving related information in the

                                             the meeting for discussion to   area such as operated agricultural
                                             determine the operation plan   activities, information in terms of

                                                                           economy, society and the need of

                2. Planning the operation    Focused group interviewing,   Farmers receive support: Sunn

                                             determining activities to be   hemp seeds and Land
                                             conducted and forms of        Development Department’

                                             managing areas with saline    products

                3. Operation in the area     Actual implementation of the  Farmers receive training and

                                             technology in areas with      transferring knowledge and
                                             saline soil                   practices

                4. Monitoring and            Collecting data in the area   Giving advice and attending

                assessment                   such as soil, water, plant    focused group interviewing to
                                             sample collection and details   collect and summarize data with

                                             of agricultural activities    the farmer network after
                                                                           implementing the technology in

                                                                           the area

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