Page 170 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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                                     3. Participation and roles of stakeholders involved

                        Stakeholders             Roles of stakeholders            Obtained benefits

                 The group of farmers of the   It is the one implementing   Being able to conduct

                 soil doctor network           the approach of using the    integrated farming in the area
                                               integrated farming           efficiently. There is a variety of

                                               technology in its own        agricultural activities, helping
                                               agricultural areas. There are  build food security and

                                               10 members participating in  incomes to families.

                                               the network.
                 Land Development              They are the ones who        Being able to transfer

                 Department officers           transfer knowledge, support  knowledge to other areas and,

                                               production factors such as   develop and extend the
                                               Sunn hemp seeds etc.,        technology of managing areas

                                               including giving advice      with saline soil suitably with
                                               regarding putting in use     social landscape.

                                               correctly, suitably and
                                               mutually studying changes

                                               occurring in areas with

                                               saline soil
                 Farmers and the interested    Participating in the field   Applying knowledge to

                 general public                study to exchange            develop their own agricultural
                                               knowledge in the prototype   areas due to the fact that

                                               soil doctor plot and in the   production factors can be made
                                               plot of network farmers      locally with prices not so high

                 Government agencies and       Are the ones supporting in   Being able to propagate

                 local agencies                terms of knowledge of other   knowledge and the technology
                                               related areas                in managing areas with saline

                                                                            soil to people who are

                                                                            interested in using it or to
                                                                            adjust in other areas

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