Page 120 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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                                                                            namely nipa palm vinegar, nipa
                                                                            palm honey, distilled liquor and


                       2. Social and cultural impact

                      Aspect             Impact              Before                     After

                 1. Food security        Positive     One-way income of  Nipa  palm  sugar  has  been
                 and self-reliance                    r a i s i n g   b r i n e  giving  incomes  mainly  and

                                                      shrimps                other  products  are  also

                                                                             obtained, namely nipa palm
                                                                             vinegar,  nipa  palm  honey,

                                                                             distilled    liquor     and

                 2. Recreational          Very        Not being tourist  Being       used    as   tourist
                 opportunities           positive     attractions            attractions  and  social  and

                                                                             cultural learning sources

                 3. Institute of the      Very        Having         little  Unity  of  people  in  the
                 community               positive     interaction            community      has    been

                                                                             brought about more.

                 3. SLM or               Positive     The knowledge was  The  technology  has  been

                 knowledge                            not propagated yet.    accepted and the knowledge
                 regarding land                                              starts to be propagated more

                 degradation                                                 widely.


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