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P. 121


                      Having realized the upcoming soil crisis, the Food
                  “Be the Solution to Soil Pollution”༛for༛the༛World༛Soil༛Day༛activity༛
                  in 2018. The aim was to focus on solving soil pollution problems,
                  to raise awareness on soil pollution, to prevent and reduce pollution
                  in communities, as well as to stimulate positive changes.

                                                 Next challenge: Stop Soil Erosion

                                                     Soil༛erosion༛is༛considered༛one༛of༛the༛ten༛major༛soil༛issues༛(2015 Status
                                                 water, wind and plowing. These three factors wash off the top layer of
                                                 the soil packed with organic matters and nutrients, leaving behind the
                                                 the pollution which has been accumulating in the top layer is washed off
                                                 and enters water bodies, causing them to become contaminated.
                                                     The severity of soil erosion has an impact on food stability and safety.
                                                 topic of “Stop Soil Erosion, Save our Future!”
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