Page 4 - การประยุกต์ใช้เทคโนโลยีระบบสารสนเทศภูมิศาสตร์เพื่อการสำรวจทรัพยากรดินในพื้นที่สูงบริเวณลุ่มน้ำสาขา น้ำแม่ต้า (ลุ่มน้ำยม)
P. 4



                         Database on soil resources especially in the slopping area (>35%) governed by Land

                  Development Department is limited which insufficient for land use planning and soil and water
                  conservation. According to database limitation, soil survey and mapping in the slopping area is
                  to be considered, the objective of this study was to 1) soil surveying and classification and

                  mapping and 2) application of geopedologic approach with geographic information systems for
                  topographic analysis and soil survey planning.  The Nam Mae Ta sub-watershed (code 0808)
                  of Yom River watershed was selected in this study which covered approximately 515.98 km
                  (2.15% of whole area of Yom watershed).

                         The result of soil survey and classification found that there were 50 mapping units

                  which divided into 48 soil mapping units and 2 miscellaneous units.  The 48 soil mapping units
                  consisted soil series (16 mapping units) and soil variants (32 mapping units) which covered
                  318,948 rai (98.9% of the whole area).

                         Considering the relationship between landform, geomorphology, and soil characteristics,
                  we found that the characteristics and properties of the soil were related to soil forming factors,

                  especially in relief type and soil parent materials.  For instance, we found the shallow soil
                  deep to weathered rock in area of volcanic mountains, andesite, granite and also the clayey
                  soil as the moderately deep to weathered rock in the hills of sedimentary rock. In addition,
                  we found the deep soil was located at high terrace.  While, the clayey soil with poor drainage

                  was found in lower part of terrace.

                         Our results indicated that the application of advanced technologies with information
                  system will be useful for soil survey and mapping especially in highland area.  Finally, the soil
                  map and database based on this study can be used for precisely and properly land use
                  planning and sustainable soil and water management. In addition to allow farmers to produce

                  economic crops in accordance with the land suitability for increase crop production efficiency,
                  reduce costs, and help farmers have more income.
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