Page 4 - รายงานการสำรวจดินเขตพัฒนาที่ดินลุ่มน้ำคลองหวาย-คลองโพล้ลุ่มน้ำสาขาแม่น้ำประแสร์(รหัส 1805) ลุ่มน้ำหลักชายฝั่งทะเลตะวันออก(รหัส 18) พื้นที่ดำเนินการโครงการ บ้านคลองป่าไม้ หมู่ 6 บ้านเขาผักกูด หมู่ 7 ตำบลกระแสบน อำเภอแกลง จังหวัดระยอง
P. 4



                            Land Development Zoning of Basin was implemented by Land Development
                   Department. Using the activities of land development such as soil and water conservation

                   in the form of the methods or activities associate with problem and potential of soil resources.
                           The overall objective of this study is 1) to identified a study area of land development
                   zone located the Ma Nam Pra Sae Sub-Basin 2) to investigated of soil characteristics, land
                   use, land evaluation of economic crops and soil mechanics of the study area for soil mapping,

                   land use mapping, and soil survey reporting.
                           The methodology is divided into three main stages process. The first stage involves
                   identifying a Land Development Zone located the Sub-Basin based on physical data and
                   problem situation analysis. The second stage involve identifying the study area located

                   the Land Development Zone based on physical data and problem situation analysis. The
                   last stage involves soil and land use surveying on scale 1:4,000. This stage is to investigated
                   of soil characteristics, land use, land evaluation of economic crops and soil mechanics of
                   the study area for soil mapping and soil survey reporting, land use mapping including

                   potential evaluation of soil resource and land development approach.
                            Ban Klong Pa Mai (Village No. 6) and Ban Khao Puk Pook (village No. 7), Kasabon
                   Sub-district, Klaeng District, Rayong Province located Klong Wai - Klong Po Land Development

                   Zone of Ma Nam Pra Sae Sub-Basin was selected as a study area. The study area has landscape
                   and soil condition, which are representative of Klong Wai - Klong Po Land Development Zone.
                           The terrain of the study area is plain to complex slope and located on a height
                   of 14 to 80 meters above sea level. Soil resources are classified into seven soil series and
                   four phases of soil variant as follows: Chumphon series (Cp-slB/d2g,E1) ,  Huai Yot series

                   (Ho-sglE/d2c,E3), Khlong Chak series (Kc-clB/d2g,E1 and Kc-clC/d2g,E2), Khlong Teng series
                   (Klt-clB/d 2c,E 1,   Klt-clC/d 2c,E 2 and Klt-clD/d 2c,E 2), Khiong Thom series (Km-slB/d 5,E 1), Na Thon
                   series (Ntn-clB/d3c,E1 and Ntn-clC/d3c,E2), Phato series (Pto-slC/d3c,E1 and Pto-slD/d3c,E2),

                   Kho Hong gray mottel variant (Kh-gm-slA/d5,E1), Ruso fine-lomay variant (Ro-fl-slA/d5,E1),
                   Ruso gray mottle variant (Ro-gm-clA/d5,E0), Tha Sae gray mottle variant (Te-gm-slA/d5,E1).
                            Are upland soil. Soil texture are coarse-loamy, fine-loamy, skeletal soil and silt.
                   The soil problems are shallow, low fertility and slope complex. These soil are resources are

                   suitable for field crop, perennials, fruit trees, and grass.
                           The study area has the potential as agricultural land for food production, energy
                   crops and good quality of the agricultural raw materials. The potential of the study area are
                   vegetable productivity, perennials and fruit trees, field crop, and the 3 Forest 4 Benefits

                   (King Rama 9’s principles). This study can be used for the land use planning, soil and water
                   conservation implementation and set up a policy to change the planting area.
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